CQRS and Event Sourcing Applied with Axon Framework

Find out why business events are an ideal solution for information systems.

Use them to automate your business processes in a simple and transparent way for developers and business alike. Meet Axon Framework, which naturally supports Command-Query Responsibility Segregation and Event Sourcing in Java, Scala and Kotlin.

Take part in a highly interactive workshop and see how to implement CQRS architecture.


Journey Module I - Current status and introduction to DDD
Journey Module II - Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
Journey Module III - Event Sourcing - Write Model (Command Model)
Journey Module IV - Event Sourcing - Read Model (Query Model)
Events Module I - Event Sourcing - Testing and Aha moment
Events Module II - Make simple decisions automatically
Events Module III - Long-running business processes and Sagas
Events Module IV - Time modeling
Technical Module I - Transactions
Technical Module I - Long-lived systems
Technical Module I - Reactive Event Processing
Technical Module I - High availability
calendar-iconDURATION: 1-3 DAYS

Contact me and, from the modules above, we will select topics that will help your team become more effective in both the short and long term.


Check also other training:

Domain-Driven Design Applied