Domain-Driven Design Applied

Learn how to deal with complexity in your business domain.

Discover strategic patterns that will help you find the most valuable parts of your system and build independent teams working on them.

Explore tactical patterns that will facilitate communication between developers and testers with the business.

Apply what you've learned right away, directly in the code.


Strategic Module I - Aligning with the Business Model
Strategic Module II - Domains, Subdomains and Bounded Contexts
Strategic Module III - Core Domains and Strategic Design
Strategic Module IV - Teams and relations between Bounded Contexts
Architecture Module I - Architectures supporting DDD
Architecture Module II - Integrating Bounded Contexts
Architecture Module III - Command-Query Responsibility Segregation
Architecture Module IV - DDD in Legacy Systems
Tactical Module I - Tactical patterns
Tactical Module II - Persistence of Aggregates
Tactical Module III - Event Sourcing
Tactical Module IV - Sagas and Business Processes
Workshop Module I - Big Picture Event Storming
Workshop Module II - Process Modeling Event Storming
Workshop Module III - Software Design Event Storming
Workshop Module IV - Architectural Kata
calendar-iconDURATION: 2-3 DAYS

Contact me and, from the modules above, we will select topics that will help your team become more effective in both the short and long term.


Check also other training:

CQRS and Event Sourcing Applied with Axon Framework